The Peaks of the Balkans: top destination for foreign and local adventure lovers.

  The Peaks of the Balkans is a hiking trail that covers three countries, Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania. This trail attracs many tourists that are in love with hiking and want to see new places, meet new people and see different cultures. Not only that they seek the beautiful sceneries but also get to know the culture of the people that live in these majestic mountains. Undoubtedly, staying in nature is a wonderful thing, however if you would have to stay for 8 days, without a doubt, that's when the magic kicks in. We were for 8 days in the most beautiful parts of the accursed mountains together with people who later not only became friends with us but also we created a bond that we would never forget. Outdoor Kosova organized a training for future guides in the peaks of the balkans, our intructors were amazing and had professional attributes, they always kept teaching us new things. Our training instructurs were Fatos Katallozi and Mentor Bojku they both did an amazing job and en

Why you should hike Mount Gjeravica 2656m.

The ridge of Gjeravica

Gjeravica is a wonderful mountain located in the Accursed Mountains or Bjeshket e Nemuna. The accursed mountains are wild mountains that surround Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo.

As the name accursed sounds very omen-like however when you visit these wonderful mountains you will get cursed by never be able to resist visiting them again, so you will crave to hike up these mountains as much as you can. Fun aside, the mountain that I hiked up yesterday was Gjeravica and has a height of 2656 meters, it is located near the municipally of Junik and is hidden deep in the mountains and it's peak stands as a pillar which you can see from a great distance in Kosovo.

The mountain of Gjeravica can be summited from different trails such as from: Gropa e Erenikut like I did or from Plaqica e Vokshit which is a different trail and very beautiful or from Plaqica e Junikut and many other possibilities. If you want to go there, first of all you should find a Truck because if you go there with a vehicle you will get stuck somewhere in the road. 

 Yesterday, Ismet and I went from Gropa e Erenikut and hiked up through the ridge and went to the top. In the beginning, it was very challenging because the weather was very warm and steep. By each step we began to feel it that we could reach the top and our estimated time to arrive was at 3 PM and we ended up reaching the top 10minutes before. The ascend through the ridge is very beautiful and I recommend all of you to do it, because you will see many beautiful mountains standing around like huge towers. 

The descent from Gjeravica as planned was hiked through the lakes of Gjeravica, we went through the big lake which is said to be unmeasurable in depth according to Ismet and to the heart like which all of them were still frozen. The accursed mountains are beautiful especially Gjeravica and its lakes, yesterday I had a wonderful time there and I'd like you to have the same feeling as I had when I was up there.

The big lake in Gjeravica

The view from the top.


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