The Peaks of the Balkans: top destination for foreign and local adventure lovers.

  The Peaks of the Balkans is a hiking trail that covers three countries, Kosovo, Montenegro and Albania. This trail attracs many tourists that are in love with hiking and want to see new places, meet new people and see different cultures. Not only that they seek the beautiful sceneries but also get to know the culture of the people that live in these majestic mountains. Undoubtedly, staying in nature is a wonderful thing, however if you would have to stay for 8 days, without a doubt, that's when the magic kicks in. We were for 8 days in the most beautiful parts of the accursed mountains together with people who later not only became friends with us but also we created a bond that we would never forget. Outdoor Kosova organized a training for future guides in the peaks of the balkans, our intructors were amazing and had professional attributes, they always kept teaching us new things. Our training instructurs were Fatos Katallozi and Mentor Bojku they both did an amazing job and en

"Two wonderful days in the Sharr Mountains".

The last weekend was an amazing weekend, because we haven't been in nature for months and we were able to visit the beautiful mountains of Sharr. The first day we went to Skarpa summit and the next day we visited Lake Shutman in Brod of Dragash, altogether with Hiking Njeri.

Why are you still indoors, when you can go out there and explore the mountains or whatever you like just staying outdoors will make you realize how tiny you and your problems are. Or join some outdoor organisations like Kosova Hiking Trips. 

Thus, we went to Skarpa in an early Suterday, we even had a birthday surprise which ended up with cakes and drinks in the beginning of the hike. We lost our minds and followed our hearts in the beautiful mountain of Skarpa located in the Sharr Mountains. This mountain is in between the border of Kosovo and North Macedonia. If you have a chance to explore and go hiking I would recommend you to visit this mountain because it has wonderful views and surrounding peaks that will make you stunnish.

The next day we went to a hidden village in the corner of Kosovo. That village is surrounded by high mountains and low valleys, from up there we even hike to the highest peak of Kosova (Njeri peak/ Rudoka 2658m) which is located in Brod.

We made our start from Hotel Arxhena, Brod. Some hikers prefered to use the Ski lift and some wanted to hike from the start. In such a manner, Rinor and I went from the start with those wonderful hikers and hiked up till the other Restaurant on the hill of Zllipotok Mountain. We met there the other hikers, which were waiting for our arrival and after some short breaks we continued.

This hiking trip was amazing, we were many people out there seeking wisdom from mother nature. I could see the smile on their faces, which showed that they're loving it. From the ridge of Zllipotok (Prroi i keq) you can see many beautiful 2600+ mountain peaks and including the highest peak in Albania "Mount Korab" with an elevation of 2764m.

Afterwards, we descended the beautiful ridge and went to the magnificient lake of Shutman, which can be seen only in spring and early summer, due to the hot weather the lake will dry out. As John Muir quoted "Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt". I would say to you, pack your backpack, put your boots on and go out there and have fun by doing it, fill your heart with adventures, that stay in your memories forever.


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